Code of Conduct
Click the link at the end of this page to access a PDF of the form we need you to print sign and return. Thank You, Jo
- A fee is charged for each class attended.
- Fees are paid for monthly by standing order (one payment per calendar month). If it is preferred to pay by cash or cheque then fees are paid at the beginning of each term or half term.
- Discounts are applied for attendance at multiple weekly classes and for younger siblings. In the event of the elder sibling leaving, the discount will not apply from the following term.
- There are no refunds for non-attendance.
- Refunds will not be given when a class has to be cancelled and rescheduled.
- Students are expected to attend all classes. It is understood that this is not always possible (School Parent Evenings, School Performances etc). However, please be aware that missing classes slows a student’s progress and is disruptive when preparing for examinations, class awards and performances, both for the individual and their classmates.
- Half a terms notice is required if wishing to withdraw from classes.
- The School reserves the right at any time to ask students to leave if fees remain outstanding beyond a month of becoming due. This would be a last resort and not undertaken lightly, please contact the Principal with any issues.
Examinations and Class Awards
- Examinations and Class Awards are not compulsory. Any student not wishing to be entered for these will just progress to the next grade with their classmates.
- Taking Examinations and/or Class Awards will be at the Principal’s discretion. Students will be entered if/when they are ready.
- Examinations may be any day of the session dates, week day or weekend.
- A student committing to taking an Examination or Class Award will undertake to attend all lessons and additional practice sessions organised.
- Examination fees must be paid in full and by the relevant date, before a student can be entered.
Please Note
- Due to the nature of dance classes, some physical contact between the teacher and student may be necessary. If you would like to discuss this further please contact the Principal.
Code of Conduct
For all Students, their Parents and Guardians. The aim of Laud Ballet School is to provide all students with a positive, fun and friendly learning experience. To achieve this the following Code of Conduct has been drawn up so that everyone gets the most from their time at the school.
It is important that students arrive on time. Late arrival can be disruptive and may result in important information being missed.
Regular attendance is extremely important. If students do not attend regularly then their development and that of the class will be affected. Time may be made up by attending another suitable class, this will preserve strength, stamina and technique but please be aware it won’t make up for specific Grade work missed.
Students are expected to behave in an orderly, civilised and well-mannered way to show respect to their teachers and other pupils whilst attending class.
Students must come to class in the relevant uniform and bring additional items (character uniform, pointe shoes etc) to every class. Hair should be neat, tidy and off the face. A Bun is required from Grade 1 onwards (preferably with the use of a hair net) and is preferred for all grades but a tidy ponytail, bunches etc are permissible from Twinkle Toes to Primary. A head band should be worn with short hair to keep it off the face.
No watches or jewellery should be worn. This is for health and safety reasons.
Personal Property
The school cannot be held liable for any lost or damaged belongings. Please name all uniform and dance kit.
Chewing Gum
Chewing gum is not allowed.
Mobile Phones
Mobile phones must be switched off or put on silent in class and placed in the student’s bag.
Click the link below to access a PDF of the form we need you to print sign and return. Thank You, Jo
Terms and Conditions – Confirmation